Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pokémon black and white web update

hello Pokéfans from around the word. I recently had a look at the Pokémon black and white website. and I saw a few new updates and even a release date for the us. so go now check it out, and if you haven't clicked on the link yet WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

party post's coming soon!

hey everyone I just had this really good idea that I do posts I my Pokémon party like there Stats and all that stuff. so starting very soon party post's will begin, and you guys post your party in the comments box and the best will get to be in the actual party post. tell me what you think in the comments box.

merry Christmas pokéfans

hey everyone I just wanted to say thank you for for visiting my Blog even though about 70 percent of the world hates Pokémon :( . and merry Christmas as you can probably see I have even decorated the site and if you cant see it your most likely colour blind. so again merry Christmas and a happy new year, and I hope you all have another great year of poké-awesomeness'. 

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Pokémon black and white update: new website!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Pokefans I know I haven't posted about Pokémon black and white that much and I'm sorry :{.
Butt less about the past more about the Future. 
Nintendo recently released a new Pokémon black and white website (In English of course.) 
Including English names for the Pokémon and a new name for the region. 
Now personally I don't like many of the new Pokémon names,(I mean snivy really? I'm disappointed Nintendo :( .) Any way below I have a link to the new website. and soon I will have my own page for Pokémon black and white (once I figure out how to do that.) http://www.pokemonblackwhite.com/en-us/ for the U.S. .Or if you want the Australian/new Zealand version click here.  http://www.pokemonblackwhite.com/en-au/ And if you want it in any other language click here. http://www.pokemonblackwhite.com/en-au/choose-region/ Ok well see ya.